Playground Injuries and Fatalities

Have you taken a recent look at the equipment at your child’s playground? Federal regulators caution against poorly maintained playground equipment and the risk of serious injuries to children. Emergency rooms treat over 200,000 kids ages 14 and younger every year for playground-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Almost half of those injuries are internal injuries, severe fractures, concussions and amputations.

A CDC study found that playgrounds in low-income areas run the highest risk of injuring children. The playground equipment in low-income areas is more likely to be rusty and have damaged surfaces that contribute to falls. Playgrounds at daycare centers also present a risk to children at the facility. In colder weather, staff should make sure the equipment is free of ice and anything else that could cause an injury to children.

Overall, swings and climbing equipment present the biggest dangers and cause the majority of injuries and fatalities. Some children have died in horrific strangulation accidents and falls due to poorly maintained playground equipment. If your child suffers injuries from playground equipment, someone could be responsible.

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