Are Construction Workers More Likely to Develop Mesothelioma?

A Louisiana man, Paul C. Poche, recently filed a lawsuit again Shell Oil for his mesothelioma diagnosis. The suit noted that from 1952 to 1983, he was exposed to a huge quantity of the dangerous mineral fibers insulation while performing pipefitting work and removing insulation. With construction-related jobs, the potential for asbestos exposure is high, especially in older buildings where workers used asbestos for insulation.

Poche is suing for his pain and suffering, mental anguish associated with his diagnosis and fear of future complications. His wife is also a part of the lawsuit, adding that she suffered loss of consortium and affected by his ability to no longer provide for their family.

Why are Construction Workers at Risk for Mesothelioma?

If the proper safety precautions are not taken to prevent symptoms of asbestos inhalation, construction workers may have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma. Some may even be unaware that they are handling the potentially dangerous fibers. Employers are guilty of negligence if they fail to notify workers of the asbestos dangers or provide the needed respirators to perform jobs safely.

Many companies operating within the timeframe in which Poche is likely to have received asbestos exposure were very lax about protecting their employees, despite the medical literature describing the dangers of asbestos fibers. Due to the years it takes for mesothelioma symptoms to surface, the initial exposure to asbestos could have happened decades before.

What Should I Do If I am Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

Getting medical treatment should always be the first step following a mesothelioma diagnosis. Afterwards, ask an experienced mesothelioma attorney if you are eligible to seek compensation needed for the medical bills and future expenses. The mesothelioma law firm of Harrell & Nowak has represented victims of asbestos exposure in and around New Orleans for a long time with successful results. Ask our  mesothelioma lawyers for a free consultation today.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C.Louisiana Mesothelioma Attorneys
