Can a Targeted Attack Increase the Odds of Beating Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is incredibly difficult to treat, due in part to its location in the pleural walls around the lungs. This makes surgery and targeted radiotherapy even more complicated than it already is. Japanese researchers have discovered an interesting new method that has shown some effectiveness in the targeting and treatment of these hard-to-reach tumors.

The research found that in many types of cancer, there is a chemical marker called GM2 on the surface of cancerous cells that is overexpressed. GM2 is what is known as a glycolipid, a structure that provides energy to the cell and allows other chemicals to recognize the cell.

Researchers at the Cancer Research Institute at Kanazawa University have used an experimental drug currently known as BIW-8962 in lab mice and mesothelioma cells in hopes of learning whether or not it could be used as a treatment. The drug binds to the GM2 on the outside of cancerous cells and destroys them.

They found that the drug had a profound effect on the size of the treated tumors, with a positive correlation between the effectiveness of the drug and the size of the dose administered.

I Have Been Diagnosed with Mesothelioma Due to On-the-Job Asbestos Exposure. How Can I Go About Receiving This New Treatment?

The BIW-8962 treatment is only in the early stages of development and, while promising, is not currently a viable option for mesothelioma patients. Please speak to a doctor about your condition to find a treatment that is right for you. If your employer is at fault for your condition, then you may be entitled to compensation.

For more information about the dangers of asbestos exposure or to talk to an asbestos lawyer about your situation, give us a call to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C.Louisiana Mesothelioma Attorneys
