September 26 Marked the 10th Mesothelioma Awareness Day

According to the New York Daily News, September 26 was the 10th anniversary of Mesothelioma Awareness Day, which was established to raise awareness about the disease in an effort to raise funds to find a cure.

The mesothelium is a lining around the lungs and organs located in the abdomen. The average person may not know that fact, but for those who suffer from mesothelioma and their families, it is likely information they know all too well.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, which at present has no cure. The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a material used, most prevalently in the mid-twentieth century, in industries such as construction, car manufacturing and shipbuilding.

It is most often people who worked for manufacturers who used asbestos during the above-mentioned time period who end up acquiring mesothelioma, as well as other asbestos-related diseases. In addition to workers, others who are most often asbestos victims include:

  • The families of the workers (usually through secondhand exposure).
  • Those who lived near asbestos mines or manufacturers who used it in their products.
  • People who lived or worked in buildings containing asbestos, such as houses, apartments and schools.

Who Is Available to Help Asbestos Exposure Victims in Louisiana?

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C. has been fighting for the rights of victims of asbestos exposure for many years. To speak with us about your situation, give us a call and schedule a no-cost consultation today.

Did You Know: It can take 20 to 40 years for mesothelioma to develop following asbestos exposure, according to the New York Daily News.